Sapori Reclusi

R-Women Project


Sapori Reclusi Association – We speak for the ones who can’t

Resistant women

Women who resist, the heart of the project

It has always been so, everywhere, even though the debate is often relegated to distant themes and geographical areas. We think we understand reality while distorting prejudices to fit our theories.

R-Women brings together artists who strive to go beyond stereotypes, narrating the female condition in the daily struggle for self-affirmation.

From the snowy peaks of the Iranian mountains to the outskirts of Afghan cities, from the condition of political refugees to that of active citizens in their social fabric, we have tried to collect stories and perspectives to understand what it means to live as women in a complex world.



We believe that human beings are born free and have the right to live a free existence.

We think we understand reality, while distorting prejudices to fit our theories.



R-Women Afghanistan aims to tell the changes that Afghan society has undergone in the past decades.

Una serie di reportage e lavori fotografici realizzati da artisti internazionali, che ritraggono le donne afghane nella loro vita quotidiana.

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To join this project and contribute to challenging prejudices regarding the representation of women, please contact us and follow our social pages on Instagram and Facebook.

IBAN R-women Afghanistan:

Last projects



R-Women brings together male and female artists striving to transcend stereotypes, narrating the female condition in the daily struggle for self-affirmation.

Free Ukraine

It was February 24th 2022, an ordinary day for us, a dramatic day for the Ukrainian population that shook the entire world.

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