Sapori Reclusi

Free Ukraine Project

Free Ukraine Project

Saporireclusi Association

Saporireclusi Association – We speak for the ones who can’T

Free Ukraine

Essential goods, hospitality and social inclusion for Ukrainian refugees.

At the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, on the very day Russia invaded the declared enemy territory, Sapori Reclusi took concrete action. Under guidance of President Davide Dutto, the association brought together various organizations to collaborate in helping the refugees.

Most members organized buses with essential supplies, which left and later returned to Italy full of Ukrainian refugees. These individuals were welcomed by families, reception centers or relatives who had previously arrived in our country. Throughout this phase, substantial support came from “Bus Company”, “Caritas di Fossano,” the Italian Buddhist Union and many other private donators.

Lastly, thanks to the support of the “Compagnia di San Paolo” foundation, Sapori Reclusi arranged courses for the refugees, covering literacy, photography, music courses for children and job orientation. The foundation also handed out vouchers for necessary items to be purchased at the supermarket.


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First Mission


Free Ukraine

The first mission, departing from Cuneo on March 7, 2023

The first mission, departing from Cuneo on March 7, 2023, involved, alongside Sapori Reclusi, Bus Company, which provided the vehicles, Cuneo Rent, Banzo Azzoaglio and Valle di Cuneo pharmacy. The latter two had already initiated a campaign to collect essential goods. Upon reaching Suceava on March 9, near the Polish border, the bus was unloaded at the storage facilities specified by IBO Italia. Thanks to the network of several Romanian associations, 40 people, mainly women and children, were taken on board. The refugees later reunited with relatives in various Italian cities, while two families found accommodation in Fossano.

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IBAN di Sapori Reclusi:

second Mission


Il 20 marzo 2023 parte la seconda missione free ukraine

On March 20, a second mission was set off, once again involving Bus Company, along with Croce Bianca and the Cumino and Abrate pharmacies in Fossano.

On March 21, the bus reached Przemyśl, near the Polish border, welcoming 21 refugees who found hospitality through Caritas di Fossano and the Municipality of Bene Vagienna.

third Mission


Free Ukraine

Il 01 aprile 2023 parte la terza missione

At this point, the Italian Buddhist Union intervened with a substantial fundraising campaign, and on April 1, a third mission commenced with the “Stop the War” caravan headed for Lviv. This initiative successfully brought around 300 people to Italy.

Progetto Free Ukraine - Sapori Reclusi Associazione Culturale
Progetto Free Ukraine - Sapori Reclusi Associazione Culturale

Fourth Mission


On April 29, 2023, the fourth Free Ukraine mission begins

At last, on April 29, a fourth mission returned to Przemyśl.

Through collaboration with No Border, Sapori Reclusi established contact with the German associations Radical Air Force and Taxi for Solidarity, and strengthened connections with two associations in Rzeszów, along with volunteers from the Italian infodesk at the refugee center in Przemyśl.

Twenty-one individuals were welcomed to Italy, with some reuniting with family members in various cities, and other finding accommodation in the area of Fossano.



Free Ukraine

After the mission, with numerous refugees welcomed in the Province of Cuneo, communication and understanding became primary needs. Sapori Reclusi aimed to break down this barrier with an organized collective lunch. Italian and Ukrainian dishes were features and the event was attended by 150 people.

The fundamental purpose was to promote cultural exchange and to create a moment of light conviviality. This aimed to make long-term living together more concrete.

With the support of Caritas, the Compagnia San Paolo and other local institutions, numerous courses were organized. These included

  • Literacy courses for both adults and children, where the teacher was assisted by an interpreter.
  • A three-month program was designed for orientation and support in employment, recognizing the importance of work as a tool for inclusion, integration, redemption and acknowledgment.
  • Music courses for children aimed to overcome language barriers, fostering a concept of citizenship grounded in freedom, tolerance, equality and solidarity.
  • Furthermore, a course on emotional photography was organized, providing participants with technical skills to convey their experience through images.

In addition, some Ukrainian women met with students from a middle-school to share their experiences. This proved to be a valuable opportunity to encourage dialogue between refugees and society, with the aim of promoting education in active and aware citizenship.

Finally, in summer, around 50 Ukrainians took part in a camp in Strepeis, in the Stura Valley. This was a unique and concrete experience of coexistence and mutual understanding, allowing for shared moments of lightness and serenity


March: Cuneo – Suceava (Romanian border)
March: Fossano – Przemyśl (Polish border)
April: Fossano – Lviv, Ukraine
April: Fossano – Przemyśl (Polish border)

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