Sapori Reclusi

Pure ’n carcere ‘o sanno fa

Pure ’n carcere ‘o sanno fa

Even in prison, they know how to do it

Even in prison, they know how to do it

Saporireclusi Association

Saporireclusi Association – We speak for the ones who can’T

Pure ’n carcere ‘o sanno fa

Telling prison life through photography and food culture.

The concept originated from a collaboration with the “Caffè Sospeso” network, with the goal of portraying not just life within prison walls but particularly the personal stories of inmates through pictures and text.

Coffee is a symbol of conviviality and sharing and has thus become the common thread of this journey into the world of prison.

Because coffee is an exchange, a dialogue, an encounter. Coffee is to be enjoyed with friends, savoured in a moment of solitude or perhaps just before or just after something important happens.

From preparing the moka to smelling its aroma, whether inside prison or out, there’s often a unique bond that forms among those who are having a cup of coffee.


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Pure ’n carcere ‘o sanno fa

It is a moment of pause, of suspension, of respite.

From preparing the moka to smelling its aroma, whether inside prison or out, there’s often a unique bond that forms among those who are having a cup of coffee.

It is a moment of pause, of suspension, of respite.

And so, we sat in the cells with the inmates of the prison of Fossano, brewed a moka on the stove and shared stories.

What did we talk about? Stories, lives, passion, pain, we simply talked about us. Coffee has become a means to explore the human experience behind bars, as a bridge or a connection between the inside and the outside.

Photography did the rest, capturing moments of inmates’ daily life. Through images, we managed to transform emotions into palpable stories.

Saporireclusi - Pure n carcere o sanno fa - Associazione culturale Fossano

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