Davide Dutto

Nationality: Italian

The Italian photographer Davide Dutto lives in Piedmont, where he was born in 1961. A professional photographer since 1982, he has worked on a wide range of projects over the years, from sports to food, operating on the dividing line between art and craft in all areas of photography. In recent years, he has focussed in particular on issues concerning prison, incarceration, human rights and marginalization.

Creative thinking

In his project for R-Women, Dutto portrays Iranian poet and activist Azam Bahrami and her messages written in Persian. In the shots, Azam represents herself and four other women currently living in Iran in conditions that limit their freedom. Images of these women can be found in every photograph.

In his project for R-Women, Dutto portrays Iranian poet and activist Azam Bahrami and her messages written in Persian. In the shots, Azam represents herself and four other women currently living in Iran in conditions that limit their freedom. Images of these women can be found in every photograph.

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R-Woman Iran

R-Women brings together artists who strive to go beyond stereotypes, narrating the female condition in the daily struggle for self-affirmation.


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