Shiva Khoda Bakhsh

Nationality: Iranian

Born in Iran in 1989, Shiva works as a theatre and performance photographer. She captures the everyday lives of young artists in Tehran.

Creative thinking

The theatre world in Iran relegates women to a minor role by means of rules and limitations. This series of photos records how difficult it is for women to make a mark, both on stage and in life. The artist portrays actresses hampered by governmentimposed restrictions on theatrical creativity, content, dress, and contact with the opposite sex.

The theatre world in Iran relegates women to a minor role by means of rules and limitations. This series of photos records how difficult it is for women to make a mark, both on stage and in life. The artist portrays actresses hampered by governmentimposed restrictions on theatrical creativity, content, dress, and contact with the opposite sex.

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R-Woman Iran

R-Women brings together artists who strive to go beyond stereotypes, narrating the female condition in the daily struggle for self-affirmation.


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